Our history
Around 2009, Rev. Janis Murphy, an ordained Spiritualist minister, started the group as the
“Essence of Light Spiritualist Church”. She rented space from the Unity Spiritual Center, as we do today.
She had twice a month services, and very frequently invited other ministers and mediums to preside at the services. Her congregation hovered between 45 and 60 members. Then due to family reason, Rev. Murphy moved her family out of The Villages, leaving Essence of Light in the care of the congregation.
Rosanne Lawless and her friend Lucille assumed the leadership of Essence of Light at the time of Rev. Murphy’s leaving. They cut back to once a month, continuing to rent space from Unity Spiritual Center.
Because there was not an actual minister in charge, the congregation changed the name to “Essence of Light Spiritualist Gathering”. In 2016, George Neal moved to The Villages and began attending the monthly services. He volunteered as a healer, and Rosanne and he got to know each other.
I George had experience as a medium and had been very active in a metaphysical church in Maryland, the Takoma Metaphysical Chapel (https://www.takomametaphysicalchapel.org). He served on the board of trustees and organized the monthly Message Service, which involved lining up mediums and student mediums to serve. He also gave messages at that service. Rosanne was unable to continue to run the group.
Because of George's experience, Rosanne agreed to turn over the managing of the church to me.
He has basically preserved all of the organization of the church from her.